Cotswold Sailing Club - Membership Enquiry
Full Name
Contact Number
Email Address
Previous Member
New Membership
Rejoining Club
1) What appeals to you about joining CSC?
2) How did you hear about CSC?
Please Select:
Friends or Family
Google or other search engine
Local Area Information Advert
Local Knowlegde
3) Do you know someone who is a member at CSC?
4) Would they be able to verify your interest in sailing?
Please Select:
5) Where did your interest in sailing come from?
6) Tell us a bit more about your sailing experience?
7) Do you have any RYA qualifications?
8) Do you have a RYA Safety Boat qualification?
9) How many members in your family want to sail here?
10) What dinghies have you sailed in the past?
11) Do you currently own a boat?
12) At CSC club members are responsible for maintenance around the lake. We organise a couple of working party weekends in the autumn where members get stuck in to cutting back the year’s growth. Would you be willing to sign up for this?
Please Select:
13) Duties and contributing effort to CSC are an integral part of membership and the club could not exist without this member input. Which areas would you/your family be interested in learning about?
Please Select:
Race Officer
Assistant Race Officer
Officer of the Day
Assistant Officer of the Day - which involves teas/coffees in the galley
Safety Boat Helm
Safety Boat Crew
Galley Crew
14) CSC as a RYA registered training centre and subject to the availability of club instructors, tries to run a few accredited courses and coaching sessions throughout the year. Places are limited and must be booked and paid for in advance. Have you thought how you might manage if you have no sailing experience?
15) Have the children in your family been in a dinghy before?
Please Select:
16) What provisions will you make to start your children sailing?
17) Have you ever had an application to join or been refused membership renewal of a sailing or any other kind of club?
18) Do you have any questions for us?